SEO – Making Money With SEO Content

SEO – Making Money With SEO Content

By  |  January 19, 2020  |  Uncategorized  |  No Comments

SEO – Making Money With SEO Content

How can knowing SEO techniques help you make money? There are many ways that a site that is fully optimized with SEO techniques can generate streams of income for you. For example, let’s say you want to build a site about “How to Search Engine Optimize Your Website.” This does not mean I have to directly sell SEO programs or offer to search engine optimize people’s web sites for them. Instead I could –

Become an affiliate by providing links on my site to sites that sell SEO programs, SEO services and ebooks about search engine optimizing.

• Create my own informational product about SEO and create my own affiliate sales links for it using commonly available programs

• Offer advertising to SEO gurus who might want to rent a page in my web space to sell their products

• Charge for an ebook that tells people everything they need to know about search engine optimization

• Charge for enrollment into a subscription to a newsletter that contains information about search engine optimization techniques

• Create an online community by adding blogs, chats, forums and bulletin boards about SEO to my site.

• Charge for membership in an exclusive online community that offers unique information about SEO

• Subscribe to pay per click search engine programs

Collect the email addresses and other data about people who log into my site looking for information about SEO and sell those addresses to companies that need the contacts.
Lead people to toll free number or live advice site such as Kasamba or Keen where you can charge by the minute for consulting on the topic of SEO.

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Once your business is up and running you could also consider becoming a drop shipper which allows people to automatically order products off of your site that are delivered by a central distributor. In this scenario your well search engine optimized copy and blogs helps you to sell by proxy.

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