Online Applications Are The Safest Method For Obtaining Loans And Insurance!

Online Applications Are The Safest Method For Obtaining Loans And Insurance!

By  |  August 11, 2020  |  Search Engine Optimization  |  No Comments

Online Applications Are The Safest Method For Obtaining Loans And Insurance!

When considering applying on-line for a mortgage, loan or insurance product, keep in mind that Online Applications Are the Safest Method! Recent studies have shown on-line theft and identity fraud is dramatically LESS than what it is on the streets. Every loan or insurance company offers a SSL encrypted form.

Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols that provide secure communications on the Internet for such things as web browsing, e-mail, Internet faxing, instant messaging and other data transfers.

Always look for the LOCK at the bottom right hand side of your browser window, if it is there, then that means the page is SSL secured, and your information can NEVER be hijacked or stolen. It’s impossible to the point that not even a super computer can crack that encryption.

Another reason to apply on-line for a mortgage, loan and insurance product is that you may have a better chance of getting approved. Recent studies have shown that on-line applications are approved more easily and due to simple technical requirements, you just have to meet certain criteria to get approved. Other factors as your credit rating and any past or present problems could always get you denied for a certain financial product, but there is hope, as on-line applications are approved more, processed faster and have a greater chance of success. And it couldn’t be easier!

FAQ: Will applying on-line hurt my credit score?

No, the application is considered a “soft hit”. There are two kinds of hits that affect your credit score, “soft hits” and “hard hits”. A soft hit shows up on your credit profile but does not affect your score, whereas a hard hit is considered bad for your credit profile and may lower your credit score.

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Only hard hits can make your credit score go down. A hard hit is considered when a party such as your credit card company sends your credit statement to the credit bureaus claiming you are past due 3 months.

Any check on your credit history through the credit bureaus for such things such as applications will not be considered a hard hit. Nevertheless, it is still wrong to OVER apply. Do not over apply for loans. That means, limit yourself to no more than 5 loan applications per month. Anything more could seem like an attempt go gain credit by someone that is desperate, and it could adversely affect your credit.

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